Monday, October 30, 2006

Allen's Text 22 - The Law of Seven -

copyright©2006 Allen Sutterfield

“If there were no Law of Seven, everything in the world would go to its final conclusion, but because of this law everything deviates. For instance, if rain began it would go on without stopping… if an earthquake began it would go on indefinitely. But they stop, because of the Law of Seven, because at every missing semi-tone things deviate, they do not go by straight lines.“At the same time, the Law of Seven explains that, if you know how, and at what moment to do it, you can give an additional shock to an actave and keep the line straight… We must learn how to keep these octaves from deviating, how to keep a straight line.”

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Allens Text 2

cpyright2006-Allen Sutterfield

And so we started off then, right there, without a second thought, without a false step. There was only one way to go, and that was the way we were going!
Surely the world was trying to hang itself BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD but what matter? We were OFF, and that was ALL!
Now a death lay by the roadside like a black creosote coffin, yes a railroad tie was width ways across, small green stems, it could have been no more than the second week of spring, were issuing from the earth all round it,and there were the ancient whistles of trains in the air, whistles not heard in years, not heard in lives. The sky was one of those you start off by IN YOUR DREAM, nothing less than perfect, and not a jot more. For we were step in step towards --our destination!
The journey was underway, and not even a death by the roadside, not that black box nor its creosote incense were cause for more than a glance. There was nothing in it anyway -- the trees held more! For there was a slight wind, just the warm sort of breeze you feel behind your shoulders when you SET OUT. Yes it must have been April in certain latitudes, we didn't notice, for once we didn't see a single calendar, not even in barbershops. It was spring and we were already several steps down the road, with a doff of the hat to clouds and a wrinkle of regret that passed over the surface of our hearts and off again into nothing and that was that. No we had no postage stamps, no envelopes, no pens, no writing pads. It was our beautiful REVOLT.
It was a Jacob's Ladder journey and we were ready.

Allen's "City of words" Text 23

© 2006 Allen Sutterfield

what if
in some secret sea
where no gull cries
and no shore lies near

what if
on such secluded sea
I call to you in angry truefear
and you do not choose to hear?


Brian Campbell said...
Interesting to see Allen's work up in your blog. I've told Allen that the blog format would be a good way to present his text/visual series.Allen, your texts are as lively and airy as ever, alacrity also begins with A and its NO COINCIDENCE, I send you this note as via long-distance boomerang all the way thru Australia and back. I hope you are well...