Saturday, May 06, 2006

Vision Before Invasion

Copyright2006 - Cerro Engelais

dead eyes feel no remorse
twisted bodies dying for an unjust cause
high above fire raining from the sky
killing everything beautiful and alive
men, women and children, nothing spare
even the buildings and trees were blown away
death and destruction everywhere
I don't care what you think or say
the question remains
where is God at the end of the day!

Bush Whacked (Nov 4 2004)

Bleak, bleary eyes - anxiously awaiting, outcome of the night - disappointment swept the world. - hope ends - no change to the regime without friends - affecting their future. Four more to go! Documentaries of Michael Moore will echo into the bleeding hearts of mothers, when death of their young takes its toll! Shoulders shrugged - a shake of the head. My neighbour decided to continue a bloody mistake!

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