Sunday, September 03, 2006

649 ( The Lottery Ticket )

When I heard the news that my friend got a win for 649 I went out of the room without thinking.

Where Can I go? I wondered, and walked down the street. I stopped in front of the lottery ticket vendor.

“Please buy me. I sell the happiness.”

The numbers were trembling. The numbers were dancing--- Temptation!

I chose 6 numbers with intensity: 9,16, 23, 27, 41, 44 They looked like a treasure island.

That night I had a dream. The shining sun and the full moon were hanging in the clear sky.

Next day I checked for the winning number. Not one of mine was right.

I went out to the lake to hide my embarrassment. I had expected to win.

The sun and the moon which I saw in the dream hanging together in the dark sky---
I could not see them.

©1995-Jong nan

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