Saturday, December 30, 2006


©2006-Allen Sutterfield

and so I fly
against the unfamiliar unknown sun

pinions rush to bind
my rushing blood

a tree is such a simple thing
a cloud moving over the sky
a couple walking by
towards a song indarkness

sometimes the light blinds
brings down the flight
like stones into the sea

In the Midnight Hour
©2006-Allen Sutterfield

This sun so round
And perfect in its sky
Golden wheel on which you and I
Turn with our special sound

This bay this azure oval
Hiding nothing from the eye
Rolling ever in beveled motion
Open and un-sly,

This breeze profound
In the naked trees,
Along the ground
Among the leaves

Disturbs me to
A writing table
In the midnight hour
When I am unable

To be with you
To see with you
The things love should allow.
Cold, I need you with me now.

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